Welcome to The Center Township Trustee - Paul bremer
The Trustee’s Office can provide a number of services for those in need. Please see below for a listing. Again, if you should have any questions, please contact us at (219)663-0250.
The township will, in cases of necessity, promptly provide medical assistance for qualifying assistance applicants who are NOT provided for in public institutions, a private insurance policy, or receiving governmental subsidized medical benefits, such as MEDICAID or MEDICARE. The township MAY NOT provide medical assistance to an individual if the individual could qualify for medical assistance for the same service under IC 12-16 (Hospital Care for the Indigent). The township shall only pay the cost of the following medical services for the eligible and qualifying applicants of the township as listed in IC-12-20-16-2.
The township will furnish prescription drugs, when prescribed by a physician, for eligible poor relief clients, provided the client obtains prior authorization from the township office and has filed a proper Affidavit and Application for Township Assistance. The township will not fill any request defined as narcotic based and or controlled substance medication.
The township shall furnish insulin without charge to township residents who are in need of such treatment for diabetes, and who are financially unable to purchase the insulin, upon the application of a duly licensed physician. The application from the physician shall affirm, in the physician’s belief, that the person is financially unable to pay for the insulin themselves. Upon receipt of an official blank properly filed out and signed, in ink, by a physician, any dealer may file this as a legal claim with the township in order to receive the market price of the insulin being furnished. Physicians my obtain these blank forms from the local Department of Public Health. (IC 12-20-16-2 #13, IC 12-20-16-14) However, a township is not responsible for paying for insulin if, after a second time request, the trustee has evidence that the individual has the financial ability to pay for the insulin. The township shall consider an adult individual needing insulin as an individual and not as a member of a household requesting poor relief.
It is the responsibility of applicants to make their own appointments for visits to medical service providers. Clients requesting authorization for a visit to a medical service provider, except in cases of emergencies, must first obtain authorization from the township. The cost of visits to a medical specialist cannot be paid by the township, unless the applicant was first referred to a specialist by their attending physician. (IC 12-16-2 #9)
The township may pay for necessary emergency room treatment that is of an emergency nature. However, a medical emergency does not exist in situations where the illness\injury could and would have been treated during a routine office call by a family doctor, and the applicant could have made contact with the township office before such visit.
Emergency office calls, duly prescribed drugs and necessary emergency room medical treatment received in a hospital emergency room may be paid by the township, provided a proper request for the service is made to the township office by the applicant or a member of the applicant’s household, within fifteen (15) working days of the time the services are rendered. The medical service provider(s) must indicate the services they rendered on a signed affidavit executed by the service provider and the applicant, and submitted to the township within the same fifteen (15) working day cycle. Failure to notify the township, by either party, within the prescribed time limits shall result in a denial.
The payment of dental care and\or treatment shall be limited to those cost which are medically necessary to eliminate pain and\or infection in the most economical and practical way. The township may pay the cost of denture replacements and\or repairs not covered by other tax supported programs. However, the township will not pay for the initial cost of dentures.
The township may pay the cost of eye exams, eyeglasses, eyeglass repair or eyeglass replacement for eligible poor relief applicants provided the applicant has exhausted all other tax supported programs providing a similar service.
Unless prohibited by law, the township will seek reimbursement for the payment of medical services from poor relief funds and provided the individual for which the services were rendered is eligible for medical servers under a state medical plan. (IC 12-20-16-2).
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